torsdag 15 april 2010

Cannes line-up 2010

Ser väldigt intressant ut. Mer om det när jag har tid att fördjupa mig.

Några ord: Det var solklart att Cannes-programmet skulle bli extra intressant i år. Berlin var ju inte precis kattens pyjamas, om man säger så. Och så är det, en snabb genomgång ger vid handen att det finns flera filmer som jag har läst om, och som var och en skulle vara nog för att lösa biljett ner till Rivieran. Och då är det rätt mycket kvar som ska in i programmet.

Jag saxar från The Auteurs (länk ovan):

»Rachid Bouchareb's Hors la loi. "The director has reunited with four of the five stars of Days of Glory: Djamel Debbouze, Sami Bouajila, Roschdy Zem and Bernard Blancan," reported Fabien Lemercier for Cineuropa back in July. "Co-written by Bouchareb and his usual collaborator Olivier Lorelle, Outside the Law is set between 1945 and 1962 and traces the life of three brothers whose family has been driven off its land [in Algeria] and survived the Sétif massacres. They end up in France, where two of the brothers campaign for Algerian independence, while the third looks on, uncomprehending. The Battle of Paris, which brings the FLN (National Liberation Front) into conflict with the French police, crushes and divides them."«

Alltså än mer av den postkolonialism som Bouchareb introducerade med Infödd soldat. Välbehövligt i alla länder, men i broderskapets »färgblinda« Frankrike viktigare än någonsin.

»Mahamat-Saleh Haroun's Un homme qui crie (A Screaming Man). "Written by the director, the film (whose title is a quotation from Martinique poet Aimé Césaire's Notebook of a Return To My Native Land) will be set in Chad, a country in the grip of civil war with armed rebels threatening to seize power." Cineuropa's Fabien Lemercier: "In response, the government appeals to the population for a "war effort", demanding money or a child of fighting age. Adam ([Youssouf] Djaoro) is thus harassed by his local chief to make his contribution. But he has no money, he only has his son ([Diouc] Koma)."«

Det säger nog att titlen är snodd från Aimé Césaire. Allt annat känns överflödigt (som att det är ännu en film om inbördeskrig i ett afrikanskt land till exempel).

»Apichatpong Weerasethakul's Loong Boonmee Raleuk Chaat (Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives).« Tja, jag gillar honom. Inte minst hans titlar. Nuff said.

De numera obligatoriska rumänerna:

»Radu Muntean's Marti, Dupa Craciun (Tuesday, After Christmas). The IMDb synopsis for this Romanian feature: "Paul Hanganu loves two women. Adriana his wife and the mother of their daughter, the woman with whom he's shared the thrills of the past ten years, and Raluca the woman who has made him redefine himself. He has to leave one of them before Christmas."«

»Cristi Puiu's Aurora. This "second installment in 'six stories from the outskirts of Bucharest' stars Clara Voda, Luminita Gheorghiu, Gelu Colceag, Lucian Ifrim, Gheorghe Ifrim and Puiu in the lead with a character contemplating his options," writes Eric Lavallee at ioncinema. "Aurora is the story of Viorel, a 42-year-old technical consultant and engineer in Bucharest who decides to quit his job and put an end to the insecurity that has dominated his life since his divorce."«

Och mycket mycket mer av högt och lågt (ny Woody Allen) och franskt och franskt och franskt - och annat. Som en ny Manoel de Oliveira-film - för vad vore väl en filmfestival utan en sådan?

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